The Campaigne for Robert Pattinson, update

ToR: Due to recent paps pics of Rob that came out today and inva­sive ones taken before (chas­ing Rob while he’s dri­ving, tak­ing pic­tures of him from rooftops), the fans are stand­ing up and fight­ing back. We want the paps to know that we don’t want to see pics like these, so stop tak­ing them. Stop invad­ing his pri­vate life. Enough is enough. Because no per­son deserves this, celebrity our not. There are lim­its and you have gone too far. We know pap pics are inevitable, what we are protest­ing against are the par­tic­u­larly inva­sive ones men­tioned above. He doesn’t want this, nei­ther do we!

Here’s our way of fight­ing back, in less than 48 hours we were able to get 1,000 pics of fans pos­ing with their arms over their face to show their protest. This is our way of say­ing leave him alone. We’re hop­ing this mes­sage gets across to the paps. Fans from all over the world sent in pics and trans­lated quotes.

We have reached 1,000 pics and have over 100 fan­sites col­lab­o­rat­ing with us. (We won’t be adding any­more pics at this point as we feel 1,000 pics is enough to drive our point home). Thank you so much to every­one who par­tic­i­pated. All I can say is you are AMAZING, each and every­one of you..

Source: Thinking or Rob

Here's my previous post about it


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