Rob and New Moon in Romanian Magazines

Diva Magazine
  Pattinson Romania via RPLife

Joy Magazine

Robert Pattinson

He’s one of the most famous actors of the moment and a sexy subject for tabloids. He’s an experienced model and talented musician, one of his songs being found on the soundtrack of “Twilight”. At the moment, Robert Pattinson is shooting two movies: the third part of the “Twilight” series, “Eclipse” and “Remember Me”, with Pierce Brosnan.

“Women are wearing me out”

The man with a magical gaze is and remains the hottest vampire of Hollywood. Robert Pattinson (23) talked to the editor of JOY, Frances Schoenberger, about his new movie “Twilight”, his partner Kristen Stewart and his hidden joys.

From a sideways entrance, Robert Pattinson is creeping in the “Four Seasons” hotel in Beverly Hills and greets me with a timid “Hello”. He’s sporting a checked shirt, a black leather jacket and a three days old beard: the 1,85 m (6′1″ tall) Brit looks more like a nonchalant Bohemian rather than the hottest superstar of the moment. But I notice at once he doesn’t like to be in the center of attention at all: his gaze is always down. However, this exact image of uncertainty, this fragility makes his more charismatic.

JOY: Last year, when we talked to you for the first time, you were still a newcomer. Now, although you became very successful, you don’t seem to have changed at all. You seem to always be down to earth and you are not afraid to attend an interview, without a companion. Don’t you like agitation?

Robert Pattinson: I become nervous every time too many people are around me. I don’t think I need either assistants or a PR consultant. The more people are around you, the more you are told what to do, and I hate this thing. Often I don’t pay attention to the other’s opinions (laughs). Though I should start paying more attention and not be so self-deprecating in interviews, because I risk to destroy myself. I don’t want my fans to say: “Yes, he really is an idiot!” (laughs).

JOY: “Twilight” carried you on the top of Hollywood’s Olympus. How did stardom change your day to day life you gained through a lot of work?

Robert Pattinson: Most of the time I don’t realize I am a star because, ever since I had success, I’ve been working constantly. After “Twilight” I immediately started shooting “New Moon”, and in the meantime, I’m already working at the third part of this vampire saga, “Eclipse”. On set, it doesn’t really matter to anyone I am a celebrity. I wake up at five in the morning and, when I get home at night, feeling exhausted, I just want to go to bed.

JOY: What don’t you like about being a celebrity?

Robert Pattinson: It’s really bizarre how the press jumps at me and wants to write so much about me. This means I can barely go outside by myself anymore – suddenly I have to hide or make up some tricky diversions. Sure, I don’t mind it when people approach me on the street, but, when it comes to a bunch of hysterical teenagers that jump at me, I’m quite worn out.

JOY: Dakota Fanning, the one in “New Moon” who plays the role of a diabolical female vampire, explains the fascination of fans this way: “Edward is the ideal man, he looks good and his hair is great.” What do you think of this?

Robert Pattinson: If it’s all about being attractive and having the right haircut, then these conditions are quite simple. I don’t know if I can achieve them (laughs).

JOY: What makes you different from Edward?

Robert Pattinson: I sometimes have a bad hair day too (laughs).

JOY: How was it to shoot again with Kristen Stewart? Is your relationship is closer since “New Moon” or nothing has changed in this matter?

Robert Pattinson: I love standing in the front of the came with someone I like so much. In “Twilight” she was an extraordinary partner. Her performance depends on how credible is Edward and the other way around. We complete each other.

JOY: It is easy for you to fall in love or you aren’t the type to lose yourself at first sight?

Robert Pattinson: Of course we spend a lot of time together – but that doesn’t mean I fall in love with every movie partner. It seems that after the movie “Little Ashes”, in which I portrait Salvador Dali, I had an adventure with Javier Beltran (laughs).

JOY: Admirers of this vampire saga appreciate the forbidden love between Edward and Bella. Is there also a part in which men can identify with?

Robert Pattinson: “New Moon” has, from my point of view, out of all four parts, the most interesting twist: because Edward is so in love with Bella, the idea that he isn’t good enough for her torments him. Because of this he detroys the relationship. I think any man can find himself in such a situation, because we are confused enough when we are in love too.

JOY: What thinks your family in England of this success of the “Twilight” series?

Robert Pattinson: I don’t think they realize exactly what’s happening. Lately my mother called to tell me she likes the shirt I wore in a photograph. Happily, until now my parents have been left alone by the paparazzi. They are simply extraordinary people and this would a much too boring story. When my sister visited me recently in L.A., she was shocked to see how many newspapers have pictures of me.

JOY: When was the last time you’ve been home?

Robert Pattinson: About a year ago, when I had, finally, three free days. Then I’ve seen my parents at the “New Moon” premiere in November. But we certainly want to spend Christmas together!

JOY: In London you performed with the band “Bad Girls”. Will you do something like this in the future?

Robert Pattinson: I’m still writing songs and, if I’ll have time, I may go on stage again. Before it used to be a small hobby, but now probably everyone will listen and criticize me. I’m afraid of this!

JOY: What’s your future project?

Robert Pattinson: In 2010 I’ll shoot in New Mexico with Hugh Jackman the western “Unbound Captives”. This role is very different to Edward’s, they can’t be compared. My father is delighted of my new project, because he adores horse riding. With vampires it’s something more complicated, so I’m sure he prefers this variant (laughs).

Translation from Joanna for Cullen Boys Anonymous

Unica Magazine


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