NEW Robert Pattinson Interview in "Pilot" Magazine (Slovenia)

Translation by Darja for ROBsessed:

Stubborn as a bull in more than one way
Robert Pattinson on his role, suffering and human side of Edward Cullen

by Robert Wise

Robert Pattinson, handsome 23 year old British actor probably doesn't need a special introduction. Only a short one will do: he's the vampire from Twilight who conquered so many hearts. He is also the man who knows what he is talking about. It's a pleasure talking to him and one can see he is not an airhead, what we can occasionally say for some other celebrities. In New Moon he once again gives us an excellent performance of the mysterious Edward Cullen. It was easier this time, he says.
Do you like interviews?

I don' mind them. But it's true: foreign journalists are better than American. They follow questions and answers, while American tend to make you say whatever their editor wants to hear. It would be better to have a list of things they want me to say and I would just say them. So they could always be content.
What was the most frequent question asked in the last few days?

They kept asking me if we were doing practical jokes during making the movie. They want to know that concerning every movie. Do you make practical jokes while sitting in your office? (Gozde: You mean like poking your coworkers with a sharp stick? Sure...All the time :))

What do they have in common

Once you said that you and Edward, your character in the movie, share stubbornness.

I am stubborn as a bull in more than one way. Sometimes it looks like I nag people to do this or that. But this is not something to talk about, I've been like that forever. I wouldn't say I pick people, I'm like that with everyone. But I don't like it. I am too much hair-splitting!

Edward is a mysterious, mystic boy. Can you think of yourself as such?

I try to. There are people in real life we can describe as mysterious, but I wouldn't describe myself like that. I'm telling you this to show you that it's actually hard to play a mysterious man. Where do I take it from? Maybe from a feeling, that you don't know exactly who you really are. I think this is as close as possible to being mysterious.

In New Moon, Edward suffers a lot. How did you prepare yourself for such suffering?

After I read the sequel of Twilight I saw myself in the story instantly - I saw a human Edward. After first reading I knew how to play him. In first movie we got to know Edward's character, in second we explain more about him. In a way, I didn't bother to think about it very much. I spent so much more time preparing for the role for the first movie.

It came by itself?

Yes, I knew exactly what I was doing.

Do you think Edward is a freak?

I wouldn't say so. Well, if you act like him in a real world, people might think of you as a freak but he is not a freak in his head, especially not in this movie. We can easily find ourselves in his story.
You are a big music fan. Do you listen to specific music before you turn into Edward?

No. I did in the first movie. I listened to composer Georgy Ligeti and it helped.

Partly it was because of director Chris Weitz, he created the environment in which we were liberated and free to express and experiment. Even if I acted in a scene completely different, he didn't complain. He was accepting for everything and I didn't feel like I needed something else. The good side of the music is that it puts you into the moment even before the shoot, but that's when someone expects everything from the actor in the first shoot. Chris wasn't like that. He let the scenes evolve naturally. It wasn't like that the first time.

Twilight is getting bigger and bigger

In a recent press junket you said no one could imagine how big Twilight would be. Are you still surprised? It looks like you handle it well.

Haha, it's a good mask. In reality I'm still surprised. About five months after the first movie the popularity stepped up and it was unusual, since there was no real reason. Now Twilight is even bigger. I read interviews where celebrities are being asked about it and they are left numb and surprised. Even the journalists don't know why they ask those types of questions . Probably they know that every mention of Twilight increases the number of clicks on the internet. Isn't that strange?

Are there days when you regret accepting the role?

No. In a way, it's nice. There are good and bad sides. I think there wasn't a moment I said to myself that I'm sorry. It's unhealthy, meaningless thinking. On the other way I don't say to myself that I'm happy because of it, that I live in paradise. You think about before, being an unemployed actor , going to auditions and being angry for being turned down on a base of not being famous enough, not being bankable enough.

Then you are a little famous and you get a job and they expect the audience to go see the movie and they expect a certain performance from you. They expect you to be an actor, a movie star, a moneymaker. Everything becomes crazy. You can't do little things, because there has to be 25 bodyguards around you at all times.

What about make-up? Do you like having a mask?

I made a movie Remember Me, it was between New Moon and Eclipse, and I was a regular guy with regular requests. It was when I said to myself I'm not going to wear make-up. I don't want them. They really didn't put make-up on me and it was a relief. Trust me, it's a terrible feeling when you touch a face and you don't feel a thing because of make-up. Even if it's just a cream, the feeling is different. Your hands feel different, they feel numb. Then you have to add contact lenses and other stuff. Actually, you are no more.

Do you practice combat sports before the shoot?

I did a lot of boxing, but that's it, and only because of condition and figure maintenance. There is some spirituality in boxing: if you walk the street after the practice, you feel different, less vulnerable. It was the main reason for doing it.(Gozde: Uhoh :) Stalkers beware!)

Special scene

Is there a special scene for you in a movie?

I'd say it's a scene before the break up, in front of Bella's house. It was a great experience. Kristen Stewart and I remade the scene the night before the shoot. I went to the director's and suggested the changes. He changed the lighting and we made the scene according to our wishes and the scene is in the movie now. It's a really great feeling to create something and then see it in a final product.

It looks like you draw the short end in this movie?

I'm great at this. I can act it very realistically, haha.

What do you mean?

It's easier being beaten than acting like a brute.

Your costar Kristen says she is sometimes mistaken for her character. Does this happen to you? Do people know you aren't a vampire or do they call "Hey, Edward" ?

Many people don't know my real name and they call me Edward. Before the premiere of the first movie, some people treated me as if I was a character from the movie. Strange feeling. But it hasn't happened in a long time.

Is there an actor you consider you role model?

No, there isn't. But I always liked Joaquin Phoenix and Ryan Gossling.

ROBsessed note: From our inquiries we learned that Robert Wise is a journalist who works for Wenn agency and the magazine got the interview through the agency and translated it. The interview wasn't made exclusively for the magazine so it is possible it was published by some other agency's client.



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