Lancôme Supports the “Golden Hat Foundation” Created by Kate Winslet

Lancôme is thrilled to announce its support to the 
“Golden Hat Foundation” 
created by Kate Winslet, who has been a brand Ambassadress for 4 years. To mark the occasion, Lancôme has created a make-up collection in partnership with the actress. 

This non-profit foundation aims to 
better the lives of autistic children 
by removing or limiting the barriers they face. 
Its mission is to teach autistic children how to communicate more clearly, as well as offer them education, job training, recreational activities adapted to their disability. 
Autism is a pathology caused by a neurological development anomaly while the brain is maturing that affects a person’s sensorial and neurological functioning. 
Today autism affects over 67 million people worldwide. 
Of all the serious developmental conditions, autism is the one seeing the most significant global growth. 

The “Golden Hat Foundation” was created by Kate Winslet after she narrated the Icelandic documentary – “A Mother’s Courage: Talking Back to Autism” (a.k.a. “The Sunshine Boy”) – in which she followed the story of a child with autism. Touched by this boy’s life, she wanted to become more involved and began by developing a book project (to be published in the near future) which brings together hundreds of self-portrait photographs by celebrities from the art and film world, each wearing the foundation’s symbolic hat. The objective? To raise money. She then went on to set up her own foundation, naming it after the poem “The Golden Hat”, written by Keli Thorsteinsson, the child featured in the documentary.
In order to support Kate Winslet with this project, Lancôme has worked alongside her to create a limited edition make-up collection, which will be available at the end of this year*. Lancôme promises to donate at least 150,000 euros of its sales profits to the “Golden Hat Foundation”.

“I’ve been thinking about setting up this project for a long time, and Lancôme’s instant offer of support is a huge display of confidence and generosity. Lancôme has given me the strength to go all the way and I know that this will open many doors...”,
explains Kate Winslet.

 “Kate Winslet represents Lancôme femininity in the most generous and responsible way possible. Altruism is also important to Lancôme, therefore it was a natural decision for us to partner and support Kate and the Golden Hat Foundation”, 
comments Youcef Nabi, President of Lancôme International.

*The “Golden Hat Foundation” collection reinterprets the mythical L'Absolu Rouge lipstick, and includes several nail polishes in all-new shades, as well as a new multi-compact powder. All these products are embossed with the
foundation’s logo and the actress’ signature. 


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