The 50 Best Movies of 2009: Adventureland & Up in the Air on the list

Moviefones' 50 Best Movies of 2009 , Adevntureland and Up in the Air is on the list.

31. 'Adventureland'

Coming of age dramedies are a dime a dozen these days, so it's always a treat to find one that manages to be fresh, funny -- and not entirely clichéd. 'Superbad' director Greg Mottola scores again with this nostalgic trip to the titular park in the summer of '87 starring a lovable Jesse Eisenberg and an uncharacteristically charismatic Kristen Stewart. Plus, the film confirms what most of us have long suspected: Amusement park games are all rigged!

-- KP

1. 'Up in the Air'

With three feature films now under his belt – 'Thank You for Smoking,' 'Juno' and now this instant classic -- is there any doubt that 32-year-old Jason Reitman is one of Hollywood's best directors? George Clooney somehow makes a corporate downsizer (topical!) lovable and magnetic in a superb lead turn (his best yet), while Anna Kendrick and Vera Farmiga kill as the distinctly powerful women who change his life. 'Air' is a near-perfect film that is at times bitingly funny, at other times heartrendingly sad -- sort of like life, come to think of it. -- KP



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