Another Interview From India with Rob

From (via Twilight Poison) we have a new interview with Rob.

So young and a global superstar. Is that too much of a burden to bear?

I guess it’s inevitable that you become more comfortable. You’re still fighting against some things and that is the responsibility of delivering better than before.

Since Twilight was released it’s hard to handle what’s happening to me. There’s no compulsion to smile to the paparazzi. I am still the same Robert that I was before. I don’t feel I have any burden though. I am happy with what I have got and would love to do such good work ahead also.

Strangely you have been iconized although you play a vampire. Doesn’t that put you in strange spot? Do girl fans ask you to give them your fangs treatment?

Well it does. I never thought it would be so big and still I can’t believe it. I am actually not ready to handle this big stardom, but am glad that I am learning it at such an early age.

I have come across so many instances where the female fans ask me to bite them on the neck. Not just this, I am amazed that these girl fans just doesn’t only include young teenagers but females ranging from 7-8 years old to 60-70 years old, and you know what? They all talk the same way and demand the same thing, a bite on their neck! It is so strange and weird. But my answer is the same, ‘Look I can’t do it, it might hurt you.’

Christopher Lee made a career out of playing a vampire. What do you think of him? Any danger of being typecast in the blood sucker’s role?

Yeah he is a legend and I think the greatest Vampire in the world of cinema. Then I feel Wesley Snipes is also really great in this genre of films.

Yes I feel a danger of being typecast in this role but am sure my others films will break any such notion of people and industry. I am happy that I have immediate projects to make a mark and prove myself as a versatile actor, other than Edward of the Twilight Franchise.

You started as a model. And you’ve said you looked androgynous. Did you get unwanted male attention? How did you handle guys hitting on you? And do they still do?

No, I am happy that no such thing happened and even if it would have, I would have handled it well as I am pretty ‘Straight’. So, there was never any such case, that would have taken me into such a situation and never would I want to. I guess I am ok handling the Girl Fans.

What about the uncontrollable female following. How do you deal with that? More importantly, how does your girlfriend deal with all the female attention you get?

Well that is phenomenal. It has to happen, so I have to be prepared for it. I try and stay cool and behave as a normal person, which still I think I am, that’s sets it straight and fine. I don’t have a Girlfriend so I need not to worry.

Neither do I wanna have Girlfriend any sooner, at least not when I am in this kinda environment. I am very unromantic you know, I just read or watch films. I am actually very boring, so I am ok single only I guess.

You are apparently seeing Kristen Stewart who’s also an actor. Is there a lot of what I call showbiz pressure on your relationship?

We are just very good friends. I did propose her on the sets. She doubted my seriousness though and even I felt like it was too early. I don’t know how it happened.

Actually we used to spend some real fun moments together on the sets and I just went ahead and thought of taking it to another level. Well nothing as such worked out but we still remained forever buddies.

We go out eating, shopping, but that doesn’t mean we are seeing each other. Then one day we read in some gossip magazine of our affair followed by all the media making a hue and cry about it. It is all like crap, man!

However it doesn’t matter, we are good friends and we know that. Why would we hide it if we were in an affair? I admit to my proposal so why would I hide our relationship? So once again I take a chance to deny any such relation with Kristen. She is a dear friend and a great actor I must say.

What are you doing next? will you be associated with the Twilight series in the future?

My future projects are Remember Me, Eclipse (The Twilight Saga), Breaking Dawn, Bel Ami and Unbound Captives with Rachel Weiss and Hugh Jackman. Yes I am still a part of Twilight Franchise and our next film in this series is named Eclipse which would be out next year. I am glad to be working with the Twilight franchise.

How did you bag the Twilight leads?

You know, I was so apprehensive of doing my character first. I was told that I had beaten somewhat around 3000 entries for the role of Edward and fetched the role. Even then I was not sure if I could make it. But when I knew I had to do it.

I prepared so – so hard. It was so physically challenging coz I had to be physically so quick and fit. I knew how I did it. It was running on treadmills for hours, kickboxing and a lot of abdomen exercises.

You’re so young and so successful. How do you handle the money and the fame?

Oh really! Thanks for the compliment and with such words from my friends, fans and journos across the globe I feel encouraged and proud of my decision of acting omsted of pursuing music. Well I don’t know how I handle it.

It is just happening and I am still learning. Guess, I don’t believe in showing off so I am to the world what I am inside. That is why I don’t even have a publicist. Even post Twilight, my life is pretty much identical to before. I don’t really do that much.

I don’t know how it all is happening, the fact is that I am just working and rest all is happening by itself. Money and Fame are also a part of my normal routine and I try to manage it simply without any airs in my mind. Look, I am an artist first.

Twilight Poison


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