FAME: Robert Pattinson. There has been much buzz regarding this biographical comic amongst both the Twilight fandom as well as Robert fans online. MTV and other media have published sneak peeks at the upcoming comic as the May 26 release date approaches. E! was the first to show us the comic book cover featuring a cartoon version of Robert Pattinson and teased at what the comic would contain. Later on MTV surprised us with the news of a second cover for the comic. One featuring a beautiful and artistic portrait of the beloved actor in his patented hand-through- hair pose. With FAME: Robert Pattinson being released next Wednesday I had the privilege of interviewing Kimberly Sherman, writer/author of the biographical comic. In a two-part interview she takes us through the timeline of what is sure to become a collector item. How she was selected for the task, how it was made and much more.
Kimberly Sherman did not start of wanting to be a comic book writer. In fact, she didn’t begin her writing career until recently. After majoring in journalism in college Kim found herself working in television advertising where she had the opportunity of attending show tapings, exclusive back lot studio tours, and affiliate meetings to watch all upcoming pilots. However, after having her first baby she gave up her dream job to take on the challenge of motherhood becoming a stay at home mom. It was difficult at first but she soon learned her journalist days were long from over.
In 2005 her local newspaper contacted her to write a story and it all unfolded from there. She began writing from home and “moonlighting” as a night writer. Kimberly then started a blog titled “Pillow Bitter,” but after getting professional ventures through the blog she changed the name to “Twilight Moonlighter”. “I’ve been writing for years;” she states, ”the Twilight Saga just helped my career grow exponentially, almost overnight, and I’m eternally grateful to Stephenie Meyer for that.”
LetMeSign: How did you come to work with Bluewater production and in turn become the writer for Robert Pattinson’s comic?
KS: I originally contacted Bluewater requesting to interview the writer and artist of the Stephenie Meyer bio comic. The publisher and I hit it off, I reviewed the Meyer comic prior to its release, and I was subsequently commissioned to pen the biography of Charlaine Harris, the author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels, which were the inspiration of HBO’s True Blood series. I had the pleasure of interviewing Charlaine for the biography, which debuts in May along with Robert Pattinson’s.
Bluewater was starting a FAME series for the bio comics, and because of our initial contact, my publisher knew I was a Twilight fan. Of course Robert Pattinson is an obvious choice for the FAME series considering his high-profile status at this point, alongside Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift. So I was commissioned to pen his bio as well.
LetMeSign: Where/how did you go about gathering information on Robert to make it a concise biography? Is there anything you think should have been added that didn’t make the final draft or anything you think should have been edited out?
KS: Aside from the typical Imdb info, I’d already seen countless interviews with Mr. Pattinson. I’ve watched, and re-watched most of his movies, and, most importantly, I scouted out some of my most reputable, trusted resources.
I would’ve loved to be able to focus more on his upcoming movies, but my script was complete before his role in Water for Elephants was confirmed. I actually added it in, and then deleted it in case the casting was ultimately just rumored. The same went for Remember Me; that was one of Rob’s best roles to date, but again, the script was written before I saw that movie. The movie is mentioned, just not in the detail I would’ve preferred.
LetMeSign: In your interview with Jazma I noticed you did not have the opportunity to actually work with Robert Pattinson, do you think the comic would have had a different voice?
KS: Absolutely it would have had a different voice. It would have been told from his point of view, and I don’t think he’d want to classify himself as a comic book character. I think he’s actually said that before, come to think of it. But I do think he’ll appreciate the way it’s told. I have nothing but respect for Mr. Pattinson as a person and as an actor, and as such, I didn’t include anything salacious that would be of embarrassment to him.
LetMeSign: You also mentioned the comic does not have a narrator. Did you write it that way on purpose and why or why not?
KS: I did write it that way on purpose. Though the comic book doesn’t have a narrator, it does have a voice- the voice of the fans, told in a respectful manner.
LetMeSign: Do you have one dream article/interview you’d like to do and what is it?
KS: Dream interview. Sitting down to lunch and drinks with Robert Pattinson and talking about any and everything EXCEPT Twilight and Kristen Stewart. Need I say more?
Stay tuned Monday for Part 2 of our interview with Kimberly where we discuss some of her favorite interviews (possibly a Twilight star?), the making of FAME: Robert Pattinson and whether we’ll see a second comic of our beloved actor! We’ll also bring you information on how to obtain an autographed copy through this site exclusively!!
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