Scans & Translation Of "ON" Magazaine (Italy)


Robert Pat­tin­son: Magi­cian or Vampire?

Beau­ti­ful, young, rich and famous, Robert Pat­tin­son movie won­der­boy in these last 5 years, is on stage since fif­teen in the Barnes The­atre Com­pany (Lon­don) where he was born in 1986, dream­ing to become the next Jack Nichol­son, his idol. In 2004 it seems to suc­ceded in that win­ning a lit­tle role in Mira Nair’s Van­ity Fair (but his scenes will be cut from the final ver­sion of the movie). A day after, another big occasion:Mike Newell chose him for Harry Pot­ter in the role of Cedric Dig­gory, one of the best magi­cian of the magi­cian school. He became an idol for young girls and Times Online con­sid­ered him “a star of the future” and Jude Law’s heir. In the fol­low­ing two years he is in the cast of Haunt­ing Air­man on BBC and The Bad Mother’s Hand­book (direc­tor Robin Shepper) on ITV. In 2008 he won a prize as best actor for How To Be by Oliver Irv­ing at the Stras­bourg Inter­na­tional Movie Festival.

But fame arrived with the role of Edward in the Cather­ine Hardwicke’s Twi­light from Stephe­nie Meyer’s book , and he bacame famous world­wide in the role of the vam­pire in love with a young uman girl. He played the same role in the two sequels (New Moon and Eclipse) and he will play Edward for the last time in Break­ing Dawn.

Between the Twi­light Series Movies, he found time to be a young rebel in Remem­ber Me by Alan Coul­ter (2010), and will be in the cast of Unbound Cap­tives by Made­line Stowe (for the first time as direc­tor). He fin­ished Bel Amì by Guy De Maupassant’s book on May, 2010 (direc­tors Don­nel­lan and Ormerod) and he is now (orig­i­nal arti­cle has been pub­lished on July) on set for Water For Ele­phant by Fran­cis Lawrence .

robertpattinsonmoms via ToR


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