Andy Baldwin is a Bachelor Again

Totally bummed about this one. While I'd like to think there was still hope, methinks the writing is on the wall and this is the beginning of the end. Just as the newest season of The Bachelor is set to premiere, comes news that Andy Baldwin and Tessa Horst have called off their engagement.

"We are very much in love and committed to our relationship," the couple say in a statement to People magazine. "With the possibility of reassignment to a new location, we decided it was not the ideal time for Tessa to uproot herself and move out [to Hawaii] right now. Our relationship continues to deepen, and we're very hopeful about our future together." Andy went on to say, "I know that I have a year left and I may have the option of a three-year tour. There is also the option of a position in California. There is also a chance of me going back to finish my residency training. I am a firm believer that everything happened for a reason, and I am a firm believer that this happened in my life for a reason. Tessa came onto the show for a reason, and it is like a dream come true."

Something's fishy in Denmark.

Photo from ABC.


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