Overall, I am still a Bevin and Tessa fan. If you are looking for an update, I'll give you the 411. Bevin sprained her ankle while competing in a boot camp challenge, then won a rose for her trouble. There was a spa/mud bath date, a car racing date and a tour of the Midway. On the Midway date, Andy had to choose between Tessa and Peyton and Tessa (rightfully) got the rose. So, the girls who went home were Peyton, Erin, and Amanda.
Here's what I thought as I watched the show. Let me know if you agree in the comments:
- Stephanie T. is the girl who gives it up quickly and loses the guy to the good girl once the guy finds out that a girl who gives it up that quickly has issues. Calling it now.
- Is it just me or was the watch gift odd? So they go to the hospital, then he gives her a watch? Wha'?
- Danielle and Andy seemed more like brother and sister or just buddies. Not seeing the sparkage there.
- Peyton - "I think you're wonderful" is not a good pick up line. Especially when you are competing against other women who sprain their ankles and sing the National Anthem to get his attention.
- Whoa, whoa whoa. Barbie Doll Erin is a "Financial Analyst?" What the hell? They might as well have said that Andy was confident and smooth.
- The moments in the car with Erin seemed like some of the most real moments I have ever seen on The Bachelor in all its iterations. Maybe because there wasn't a cameraman there, just a camera in the dash. Either way, I loved it. Can we have more car scenes?
- The stethoscope moment on the ship with Peyton. A-W-K-W-A-R-D. No heat, no chemistry. Nuthin'. She seems so nice, so it's sad, but true.
- Peyton and Tessa hugging on the ship with Andy getting all whiny and crying could have been a nice moment if he weren't crying ON A FREAKING AIRCRAFT CARRIER! Be a man! Cry later!
- Andy has twice said "laid down the line" when he meant "laid it on the line." Good try, buddy. And for God's sake, someone tell him to stop saying "amazing." It's amazing how many times he said amazing in this episode.
- Was Stephanie T.'s polka dot dress from her prom in 1987?
- Kate - "I'm a really cool person" is not a good pick up line. If you have to say that then you probably are striking out.
- The fact that Andy picked up on the fact that Stephanie T. might not be sincere means that he is a good guy. No doubt. Now I feel bad about picking on him.
In store for next week, a trip to Tahoe and the cat fighting among the girls gets so bad that Andy finds out about it.
Photo from ABC.
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