The girls that went home were Stephanie South Carolina (so I guess the producers ran out of their picks), Nicole (unfortunately, she's pretty forgettable), and Kate. This is one of the only rose ceremonies where I was pretty impressed with the Bachelor's judgment. He better not make a habit out of this.
Here are my thoughts on this week's episode:
- Stephanie South Carolina started the episode with the stupidest quote of the season thus far: "Lake Tahoe, that's what, in Oregon?" Dear God, Andy. Enough with her.
- Poor wittle Bevin. She can't play wike the oder gwirls. What a whiner. We need to hook her up with one of Ophah's No Complaint bracelets.
- Andy telling Bevin: "I need to have a word with you" when she was acting a little crabby was a little to Daddy-ish for me. Although, some girls are into that....
- Andy definitely opens up more about his feelings than your average Bachelor. He told Bevin he felt electricity between them. Then he tells Stephanie Kansas that he wants to meet her family. Then he basically asks Bevin if she'd move to Hawaii to be with him. Way to play it cool, Andy.
- This is the first episode that I've seen a connection between Andy and Danielle. She's very well-spoken and confident. Do I have to put her on my contender list with Bevin and Tessa?
- Andy to Bevin: "I am a nerd." So, Andy's self-aware. Good thing.
- Hey! Guys who edit The Bachelor! Work on your transitions. Andy talks about being an astronaut, then Bevin says: "Wanna give me a check up?" Make it stop!
- When Andy's drunk he says things like: "You know what? You're my sanctuary." I just threw up a little in my mouth.
- Tessa wins the cool/mean girl points. She has Andy stand on the back of her skis, then takes out another one of the girls. Nice work, girlfriend.
- So Andy said the person who makes him feel the most calm and at ease is Tessa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. Didn't you say Bevin was your sanctuary? Is someone confused?
- Amber really reminds me of Mary Delgado. She kinda looks like her a little bit and she overthinks everything just like Mary did. Now, Mary didn't end up with Bob, but she sure did end up with Byron. Foreshadowing?
- Stephanie South Carolina appears to have decided that since she isn't getting Andy, she's just going to stir up as much sh*t as she can in the time she has left. Kate apparently adopted the same strategy, but she's waaay less cutesy about it.
- Is Tina the dark horse in this thing? Like I said, I've been avoiding the sleuths, so I have no idea if she's in this thing long-term.
- Can we ban Andy from comments like "it's just what the doctor ordered" and "it was just the medicine that I needed"? Don't doctors avoid saying stupid stuff like that? Please tell me they do.
- I wish someone was keeping track of how many hot tub scenes there are this season. Note to self: count hot tub scenes next time.
- Whoa! Where have Stephanie South Carolina's uber-fake looking boobs been for the last two episodes?
- Andy committed one of my pet peeves - he asked if he could kiss Bevin. Dude, if you have to ask, then you shouldn't do it. Way to ruin the moment. Grrrrr.
- Was Kate in Mean Girls? Cuz if she wasn't, then she should have been after her rumor spreading at the cocktail party. Meow.
- Tessa wins the honesty award. She called poor Andy out on his relationship with Bevin (I think she was talking about Bevin, at least) by saying: "If you already know what you want, I don't want to get hurt." Translation: "Please don't give me a rose if you already found someone, just let me go because I don't want a pity rose."
Next week looks like a doozie. Girls are jealous of Bevin and there's a fancy schmancy fantasy date. This is the last round before the hometown visits!
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