Robert Pattinson in Yes! (teen mag from Brazil)
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Robert Pattinson,
The interview is the same onf from the LA Press Conference, but here is the translation for those that want to read again.
Q: What has this past year been like for you? How are you dealing with things? Are you more comfortable with everything now?
Rob: I guess it's inevitable that you become more comfortable. You still fight against some things. There's nothing really scary about the franchise itself. I like all the people I work with. I generally have very few disagreements about the script or anything while we're doing it, especially on New Moon. It just seemed so relaxed and easy. I've been on three different sets, since January 14th. I've had like three days off. I'm going to be on set all next year as well. I don't know what doing errands and things is really like 'cause I haven't had a sustained period of time where I've been off. I don't know how it's really changed. I still feel like I'm pretty much exactly the same, which is maybe not a good thing.
Q: Appearing in most of the movie as only a series of visions, did you feel disjointed from your cast mates at all? Did you wish you were in more of the film?
Rob: Those scenes were the hardest scenes. They weren't really, at the time, but after I saw the first cut of the movie, they changed them quite a bit in the edit and ADR. It's not Edward. It's a manifestation of Bella's loneliness and desperation. It was always very difficult. I asked Kristen, "How would you play it?" It's her opinion, so that was hard. As for being alone, I've always felt a little bit aloof as the character, throughout the whole series. I think that's how he is, so I didn't feel any different.
Q: What was it like to film that break-up scene between Edward and Bella?
Rob: There's something weird about it. One of the main things I felt doing that and what really helped was people's anticipation of the movie, and the fans of the series' idea about what Bella and Edward's relationship is and what it represents to them. It's some kind of ideal for a relationship. And so, just playing a scene where you're breaking up the ideal relationship, I felt a lot of the weight behind that. Also, it took away a fear of melodrama. It felt seismic, even when we were doing it. It was very much like the stepping out into the sunlight scene, at the end. You could really feel the audience watching, as you're doing it. It was a strange one to do.
Q: Have you ever had your heart broken, like Edward does when he leaves Bella?
Rob: No, I don't think so.
Q: Do you appreciate Edward more, with each movie? What are your favorite things about him?
Rob: When I read New Moon, it gave me ideas about how to play him in the first film. It's the one I connected to the most, and the one that humanized Edward for me the most, as well. In the first one, he still does remain, from beginning to end, an idealistic character. But, in the second one, he makes a mistake that's acknowledged by everybody, including himself. Also, he is totally undermined by more powerful creatures, and he's undermined emotionally by people as well. That's what humanized it.
Since I read that book, I always liked him as a character, and I've tried to play that same feeling throughout the films. He's the hero of the story that just refuses to accept that he's the hero, and I think that's kind of admirable.
Q: Love plays such a major part of these films, and so many fans want what happens on the screen to happen in your real life. How do you separate falling in love in real life with the women that you're cast opposite?
Rob: You've always got to remember that you're being paid. There's a lot of connotations that come with that. That's one of the major separations.
Q: This franchise has made you a bankable leading man. How has that changed your career, and where do you want to be in five years?
Rob: I don't know. I've only done one movie outside of the series, which was Remember Me. That's going to be out sometime next year. But, even that, I did with the same studio. I'm still a little bit blind, as to what my actual economic viability is, outside of the series, but it's definitely different. You get offered stuff that you never would have dreamed of getting offered before, but that's scary as well 'cause you don't have to audition for anything. You're just like, "I don't want to do a movie just 'cause it gets made."
It's a scary situation to be in, in a lot of ways. You have to question yourself a lot more. Before Twilight, I did any movie that I got and tried to make the best of it afterwards. Now, you're expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but a performance as well. People are like, "You can't just mess around. We're employing you to be a star and an actor." It's difficult and it's scary.
Q: Isn't that what you dream about when you start out in the business?
Rob: You do. When you haven't gotten a big movie behind you and you're not bankable, everyone is like, "He's not bankable enough," so you can't get the roles that you want to get. And then, when you do, especially with a movie like this where there's a perceived specific audience, people start thinking, "Oh, you need to get in with this audience. You need to do this or that. You need to look a certain way." There are some limitations to it, whereas when no one is watching your movies and you get a part, you can do whatever the hell you want. That's just the way it is. So, there are good and bad points, either way.
Q: With everything that you've got going on now, how do you keep your life from just being a blur?
Rob: It is just a blur. There are random moments which stand out, but I've been working so much this year that it's almost like living in an alternate reality. The hours on a film set are so long that you're doing doctor hours, and every doctor that I've ever spoken to says the same thing, that you have no idea what's going on, other than working. You're away from your family and friends, and all that stuff.
Q: With all of the fan encounters that you've had, has there been anything that's just made you laugh?
Rob: Yeah, a lot of the time. Recently, I have less direct interaction with people because there's way more security and stuff on set. But, I always find it funny when older people come up. There was a woman who came up to me the other day who must have been in her 90's. It's very unusual. And, they say exactly the same things as 12-year-old girls. That is kind of bizarre.
Q: When you are shooting the more romantic things, what goes through your head?
Rob: It's weird. I keep getting told by people, "Pump up all the stuff about the action, so the guys will go and see it," but it's ridiculous. It's like saying that guys can't appreciate romance. I don't think you can say that about Gone with the Wind. I've watched Titanic and I didn't think, "Oh, this is a girl's film."
Especially in New Moon, and actually in the whole series, I've never played it thinking, "Oh, I'm in a series of girls' films and I'm doing something just for girls." I don't feel like I'm doing an animated Tiger Beat, every week. I like doing romantic scenes. I felt like a lot of the storyline in New Moon is very heartbreaking and true. I didn't think I was doing something, just for the sake of romance. I thought, in a lot of ways, that it was a really sad story.
Q: Are you a romantic person, in real life? What is the most romantic thing you've ever done?
Rob: I haven't done that many romantic things, in my life.
Q: Have you ever serenaded somebody?
Rob: Oh, no! I don't think that would ever be romantic. You need to have so much balls to do that. Jesus Christ! I actually can't think of a single romantic thing I've ever done. That's terrible.
Q: Have you ever given anyone flowers?
Rob: Yeah, I did. I put a flower in someone's locker when I was 15 years old. This girl, called Maria. Maybe I was 14. She actually thought it was from someone else, and the other guy claimed it as well, which was just great.
Q: What was it like watching Taylor transform physically?
Rob: I didn't see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting, so when he came back, I had the same reaction as everybody else. I was like, "Now I have to go to the gym."
Q: If there was a fight between Edward and Jacob, who would win?
Rob: I don't know. I think it's actually a fact that Edward would win, if I read the books correctly. So, I guess I can hold onto that, for my ego.
Q: What about in a fight between you and Taylor Lautner?
Rob: I did hear, the other day, that Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him. I don't think I'd ever agree to that. And, after looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was like nine, I wouldn't really want to do anything. Maybe if I had some kind of weapon.
Q: What has it been like to develop the romantic triangle?
Rob: It was weird because I hardly did any scenes with Taylor. We just did the scenes at the beginning and the scenes at the end, and he had his entire storyline develop without me being around, which is interesting because I had no idea where his performance was going. It wasn't really a competition or anything. It was independent. Whereas, in Eclipse, we did scenes together, all the time, with Bella. It really shows the dynamic in that film.
Q: Who is your favorite movie vampire of all time, and why?
Rob: I don't really know. I always think of the wrong people. I'll be like, "Ethan Hawke in Interview with a Vampire," and someone will say, "He's not the vampire." There's a bunch. I actually really like Wesley Snipes (in Blade). I think he's great.
Q: Was it a big shock to have Bryce Dallas Howard on the set of Eclipse, instead of Rachelle Lefevre?
Rob: Yeah, it was a shock, but she's lovely. She's really, really nice.
Q: Have you been told a tentative time that you might film Breaking Dawn?
Rob: I think the tentative for Breaking Dawn is Fall of next year. I think. They may well change that.
Q: What movies have you committed to in 2010?
Rob: Depending on how things go, I'm doing a movie called Bel Ami in February, which is an adaptation of a Guy de Maupassant novel. And, I hope I'm doing a Western with Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman, called Unbound Captives, sometime around there as well. They've got to try to work around everybody's schedules and stuff.
Q: Who do you play in Unbound Captives?
Rob: I'm playing a kid who is kidnapped by the Comanches, when he was four years old, and he's brought up by them. His mother spends her entire life trying to find me and my sister, and when she finds us, we can't remember who she is or anything about the Western culture that we grew up in. They speak Comanche, the whole movie. You can't really be more different from Edward.
Q: Is that why you responded to it?
Rob: No. I actually sign on to that after I had done Twilight, in the summer, just a couple of months after I finished. It was really before anything had happened, so I wasn't really thinking about it. It was just a cool script and it reminded me, in a lot of ways, of Giant, which is one of my favorite movies. I think that's why I responded to it.
Q: Is James Dean one of your favorite actors?
Rob: One of, yeah.
Q: Are you going to have to learn Comanche for your role?
Rob: Yeah.
Q: Have you had time for your music?
Rob: I'm trying to.
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