Nikki Reed Talks About Rob and Eclipse

SNMag: What do you think about the Rob Pat­tin­son craze?
NR: I get it. Rob is a totally fas­ci­nat­ing, amaz­ing, won­der­ful guy. I get why all these girls are so in love with him. He’s super intel­li­gent, mys­te­ri­ous, musi­cal and intel­lec­tual. I get it.

SNMag: How do you guys spend your free time when you’re shoot­ing?
NR: We get cre­ative and make silly mini movies and do awe­some stuff like that. Other times we just lay around and watch tele­vi­sion. There are a lot of music nights because Xavier [Samuel], Rob and Jack­son [Rath­bone] are very musi­cal. We eat a lot of Thai food. There’s a Thai food place close by. We hang out with each other because we’re very isolated.

snmag via pattinsonlife via thinkingofrob


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