Proud mother Angelina Jolie celebrates the adoption of her fourth child, 3-year-old Vietnamese orphan Pax Thien
John Travolta, Kirsten Dunst and Jennifer Lopez hit the Vegas strip for ShoWest
Maureen McCormick (aka Marcia Brady) returns to TV and reveals her past struggle with drugs and bulimia
Life is a runway for Naomi Campbell, who glams it up while doing court-ordered community service
Jada Pinkett Smith steps back into the spotlight in Reign Over Me
Ex 'NSync-er Joey Fatone's weight-loss secret? Dancing with the Stars
John O'Hurley's baby boy is a chip off the Spamalot block
Lost in rugged woods for three days – and without his ADD medication – Boy Scout Michael Auberry, 12, survives on Pringles and water
With his new wife (his childhood crush) and new home, country singer Dierks Bentley leaves the bachelor life behind
A Texas law requiring girls to be vaccinated for cervical cancer stirs a debate
Life behind bars isn't easy for some of America's most infamous prison inmates
What were the American Idol finalists like as little tots? Their moms and dads dish
Randy Spelling copes with dad Aaron's death and embraces his new role as an uncle
With cats and dogs dying, a major manufacturer recalls tainted pet food
After seven years in court, a girl is returned to her birth parents from the only family she's known
Danny Glover discusses life at 60 and his return to Hollywood
George, Brad and Matt reunite for another heist in Ocean's Thirteen
After the deaths of her son and husband, Valerie Sobel found a new mission: helping families of sick children
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