New Moon & Little Ashes considered for the Oscars?

‘New Moon’ and ‘Lit­tle Ashes’ have been added to the list of movies that are up for con­sid­er­a­tion by the Acad­emy.


Javier Bel­tran. Robert Pat­tin­son. Matthew McNulty. Marina Gatell. Esther Nubi­ola.

Bruno Oro. Simon Andreau. Vicky Pena. Arly Jover. Marc Pujol. Ruben Arroyo. Diana

Gomez. Pep Sais. Joan Pico. Fer­ran Audi. Adria Allue. Fer­ran Lahoz. Cris­t­ian Rodrigo.

Sue Flack. Adrian Devant. Ramon Enrich. Xavi Siles. Philippa Goslett. Han­nah Rut­zou.

Paco Alonso.


Kris­ten Stew­art. Robert Pat­tin­son. Tay­lor Laut­ner. Ash­ley Greene. Rachelle LeFevre.

Billy Burke. Michael Sheen. Dakota Fan­ning. Peter Facinelli. Eliz­a­beth Reaser. Jack­son

Rath­bone. Kel­lan Lutz. Nikki Reed. Edi Gath­egi. Gra­ham Greene. Gil Birm­ing­ham.

Anna Kendrick. Michael Welch. Justin Chon. Chris­t­ian Ser­ratos. Jamie Camp­bell

Bower. Christina Jas­trzem­b­ska. Rus­sell Roberts. Cam Gigan­det. Christo­pher Hey­er­dahl.

Cur­tis Car­avag­gio. Daniel Cud­more. Char­lie Bew­ley. Chaske Spencer. Adrien

Dor­val. Michael Adamth­waite. Alexan­der Mendeluk. Hunter Jack­son. Gavin Bris­tol.

Sean McGrath. Tyson House­man. Kiowa Gor­don. Alex Meraz. Bron­son Pel­letier. Tin­sel

Korey. Corinna Russo. Maria Grazia Pom­pei. Roberto Mar­che­tti. Alessan­dro Fed­erico.

Jus­tine Wachs­berger. Cameron Bright. Noot Seear.

Full list of eli­gi­ble can­di­dates here.

Thinking of Rob


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