Lainey talks Rob & Kristen and WFE Trailer

Lainey, are you talking about rob and kristen?

“So Eva has to wait an extra week for her big reveal.Unless of course some crazy sh-t goes down that pushes her into a corner too.You never,never,EVER know.Its been a week of breakups.Maybe theres an even bigger one on the way. This is not a clue or hint to anything.” 

Because that's what everyone is thinking, if you actually knows something why you dont say so?the exlusive would still be yours no? – from Lauren K

I would like to hear your thoughts on Water for Elephants trailer that premiered yesterday. Post something about it on your site. But please just write about it not robsten, twilight, kristen etc. Thanks! – From Agata K

Hi Lainey,

Will you do a post sometime in the next week about the Water for Elephants trailer? Maybe you remember but I’m a huge Rob Pattinson fan. However, I actually couldn’t tear my eyes off Reese Witherspoon in the trailer. Her look in the movie suits her.

Pretty please will you write about it? I just finished my exams at UBC so I would consider it a great treat.

Thanks! – From Samantha 

is it true that robert pattinson and kristen stewart broke up?:( - From Adrianna 

Just an example of what’s been hitting my inbox the last two days. There’s a lot of it. Twi-Hard panic over the status of their beloved Robsten, and Robert Pattinson superfans jizzing about his new movie. 

First things first – the relationship, they’re fine. They’re working. They’re good. There’s much less work tension on this set than the last one and so they’re actually getting on well. This week they’ve been shooting scenes at the Cullen home as Bella is very, very ill. Yesterday they both had the day off. He named all the freckles on her body and wrote a poem for each one. Today they’re back on set for a scene from Breaking Dawn Part 2, a vampire bonfire and sharing war stories. Next week they work 3 days in the field with the Cullens and the bad vampires. Then beginning December 23, they’re off for the holiday break. They continue to shoot the battle for a week when production resumes in January. That’s still a ways ahead. Will let you know more then. For now, understand their schedules are quite similar. When there are days off – and he has more than she does – those days almost always coincide. By design. 

As for the Water For Elephants trailer – what sh-tty luck that it was released online the same day as The Tree of Life which, obviously, is far superior. Come on now. Please, try Twi-Hards, to exercise some objectivity. Having said that, this is the first film Pattinson had made post-Twilight fame with a proper studio and not that budget house Summit and its embarrassing low q. The difference is enormous. So much better than the Twilights and that Remember Me comedy last year. There’s some attention to detail happening here. This looks like a proper movie. 

Also, Pattinson has never been prettier. Really, really pretty. SO pretty. Healthy. Skin and glow. They were smart to focus on his pretty. It detracts from the fact that... I’m not buying Reese Witherspoon. Not for any lack of effort on his part, he seems like he’s doing what he can, but she looks like she’s calling it in. Wonder if he has more chemistry and intensity with Christoph Waltz than with Witherspoon. Had to laugh though at the one time Pattinson speaks in the clip. It’s exactly like the scene in the first Twilight movie which delivered the most excruciating fontrum when they’re in the diner with that waitress with the crazy hair. I need to find this so you can compare and contrast.


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