LA Time, MTV and The Washington Post talk about the ' Water For Elephants' trailer!

MTV went all out with their coverage, talking about the gorgeous costumes and highlighting their favorite smoldering shots of Rob. They also asked us to choose whether we prefer Edward or Jacob, and that's a decision we are not ready to make.

Best Week Ever went the silly way per usual highlighting the similarities between Water for Elephants and another epic love story:

It is SO Titanic meets Dumbo! We’ve got “the most famous circus disaster of all time” and we’ve got elephants. We’ve also got:

Robert Pattinson in the role of Leonardo DiCaprio
Reese Witherspoon as Kate Winslet
Christoph Waltz as Billy Zane Old Pattinson (Hal Holbrook) as Old Winslet (Gloria Stuart) and Paul Schneider as Bill Paxton


The Washington Post liked the trailer, and is already mentioning the O word:

if the clip is any indication, the movie will at least look gorgeous.

Featuring grand, hazy-with-nostalgia visuals and shots of Reese Witherspoon looking every inch the old movie star, it's a feast for the eyes. Of course, a number of people will think said feast is really all about Robert Pattinson, who definitely comes across (appropriately) as less broody and Edward Cullen-ish here.

Me? I was more focused on an enraged Christoph Waltz and the wonderful Hal Holbrook. Oh, and the elephant, who is clearly on track to win an Oscar in early 2012.
The trailer also got a thumbs up from Entertainment Weekly:
The finest compliment you can give a trailer for an adaptation is that it makes you want to read the book. This one does it for me.

The LA Times is holding judgment, but seemed to appreciate the mood of the clip:

Neither of the romantic leads says much of anything in the trailer. Instead, it's filled with hazy, glowing shots of life in the circus: Jacob peeking in to catch a glimpse of Marlena in the center of the ring, delicately laying her svelte body across a horse; the two together, gently stroking one of animals.
We like the langorous, moody tone, though it's nearly impossible to judge from the trailer if Pattinson has any acting skills beyond that longing gaze thing. It's also mildly difficult to believe the 34-year-old Witherspoon could truly be wooed by a young man a decade her junior, but that's a conceit we think we'd be able to get over.
via RobPattzNews


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