Robert Pattinson in french Premiere Magazine

In courtesy of Premiere Magazine (France)

From December 2009 issue

Translation from

The quote from Rob is from the inter­view he did with Pre­miere back in May in Italy.
Here’s the translation:

Do dozens of girls ask you to bite their neck daily? That’s the dif­fer­ence between you and Robert Pat­tin­son. At 23, the British actor, who’s name was far down on the generic of Harry Pot­ter and the Gob­let of Fire 18 months ago, has com­pletely rede­fined the sense of the word “adu­la­tion”. Chased by hun­dreds of fans when he goes out who scream: “Roooooob and Edward Cullen” his char­ac­ter in Twi­light, has turned the heads of every­one world­wide. Com­pared to the hys­te­ria gen­er­ated for this young man, the DiCapri­o­ma­nia in 1994, almost seems small.

Is there a life after Twi­light for Robert Pat­tin­son? The actor doesn’t seem wor­ried (nei­ther are we): “When I go to audi­tions for new projects, none of my inter­locu­tors seem pre­oc­cu­pied by the amal­ga­ma­tion of Edward Cullen and I, they would let me play a woman I think.”


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