gossip_dance@hotmail.com me or tell me over at Twitter @gossip_dance
SV: Jag har märkt att flera filmposters från "Remember Me" har börjat komma. Om du har någon från ett annat land än den som jag postat här var då snäll och informera mig. Du kan maila eller kontakta mig via Twitter på adresserna ocan. Tack !
I've noticed a lot of Film posters on Remember Me are starting to come. If you have one from any other country then the one I posted then please let me know. You can e-mail - New Edward/Bella promo picture, New...
- Best Twilight Moments of 2009...
- Kristin Stewart in "Speak"...
- Scans from the Director's Noteb...
- Cast talks Eclipse with Yahoo! Movi...
- Kellan Lutz & Taylor Lautner To...
- The Runaways and Welcome To The Ril...
- Sugar Awards 2009: ROBSTEN is Your ...
- Kristen Stewart "What Just Hap...
- Robert & Kristen Newcomer of th...Scans from Gala (Germany)Nr. 52, 17 December 2009
- Robert Pattinson - Twilight: New Mo...extended interview
- VIDEO: Actor Fran Kranz talks about...at about 0:22 via @RobPattzNews
- Movie 'Chastity' Sells Bett... Free gossip info: (Newser) – Filmmakers looking to score a box-office hit should follow the lead of Twilight, Lord of the Rings, and Spider-Man: keep the...
- Twilight and Plaid Shirts on GMA Ne... Free gossip info: 4. The Twilight Saga. New Moon, the second installment in the film version of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series intensified the hold that...
- New Moon #20 in the Top 100 Highest...Rest of the list go here. skymovies_com via Thinking of Rob
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