"I Met BooBoo Stewart" at Millions of Milkshakes (August 28 )


When I met BooBoo my heart was pounding so hard I thought I might explode. So then it was my turn to take a picture with him and my sister wouldn't let go of my arm! She was like glued to me because she saw all these cameras infront of her,even though one of the photographers was our dad. xD So we both walk up to BooBoo and he hugged us and we all smiled to the cameras. :D After we took the picture BooBoo said to me,''So your dad is a photographer?'' And I said,''Yea.'' Then he told me,''That's pretty cool!So who do I make this out to?'' And I said,''Me,Melyssa.M-E-L-Y-S-S-A.'' He said,''That's a cool way of spelling it. :D'' After he was done signing a picture for me I started blushing and I couldn't stop smiling! :]So at the end of the day,my sister and I got autographed pictures of BooBoo and a picture with him.Thankz alot BooBoo :]

Sopurce via LNM


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