FG10 takes the K-Lynn pledge! Have you?!?!

I'm sucker for Fashion with a CAUSE! 
especially when its something SO CLOSE to the heart! 
I urge you all to take the Pledge with K-lynn or at least not take your health for granted!
A simple checkup goes a long way!!!
Besides you cant tell me whats below doesn't look like FUN!
and isn't a FABULOUS CAUSE!?

wana know How to 
“Take the k-lynn Pledge” ???

1. Starting October 1st, 
visit the K-Lynn lingerie store at Mall of the Emirates

2. Have your picture taken or sign a K-Lynn postcard 
for the “K-Lynn Pledge Wall” – 
which will create the window display in K-Lynn 
for the entire month of October.
3.Take your K-Lynn Pledge bag, which includes:

a. A voucher for a breast check including 
mammogram and sonogram (if required) 
at the Dubai London Specialty Hospital

b. A “Pledge ribbon” showing your support for having 
‘Taken the K-Lynn Pledge.

c. A “Pledge Card” - on the reverse of which are details of 
how to promote the pledge virally and play a real part 
in this community initiative – i.e. tagging on
Facebook, changing Facebook status, 
changing BBM status, Tweeting about the K-Lynn Pledge.

THE FG10 girls in Full support!!



Check them out of FACEBOOK for more details


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