Ramadan EXCLUSIVE: Designer to watch "NOURI"

Always excited to POST FAbulous new Middle Eastern Designers!!
and this is NO exception!!
in fact its one of my FAVORITES!
A friend and a partner in crime when it comes to style!
we might even share the same wardrobe lol 
That said.. Nour Kilani is a designer to keep ur pretty little eyes on!!
From her Ramadan collection Selling out as we speak to her Abayas "Coming in the next post"
she is no short of exceptional!

i will let the pics taken by FAB photographer Mokhtar Chahine do the talking!

... Nouri ...

IF your interested in any of her Fabulous pieces
you can send her an email on Nouricreations@gmail.com
Mention FashionGossip10 and u get a surprise!! 

if your in Jeddah then your in LUCK!!!
you can view and purchase her collection HERE!!!


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