They brought us two chairs and they sort of us separated us and I said Nana, I got up and drag my chair right next to you "I can not be so far from you" "hahaha" you laughed. They brought us water and you drank half of yours in by half in five minutes (it was hot) haha and I said "I do not even know why I have this glass on my hand, I'm gonna leave it in the ground for my safety" jajaja
You introduced me to all your friends .. Sam R. GOSH! My weakness (the English) told me "Hi how are you? I'm Sam" "I know. Nice to meet you!" then Garret approached me (Yes, it's beautiful. Very) has eyes to die I swear. and says "Hey, I'm Garret" (I found the all very cool especially Garret) and one other greeted me one I cant remember who.
Lastly, John (who is the best let's make that clear) would speak to me with a smile and I neither looked nor listened, I could not stop looking at the creature who sat next to me. I grabbed your hand (btw, is very soft and chipped red nail polish) and spoke .. "How are you? Are you Enjoying this?" "MY LIFE IS NOT GONNA GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS. TRUST ME" "Oh, do not say that!" hahaha but it's true. "But truth is, this is the moment of my life."
We talked about Robert and Ashley Greene, I taught her some Spanish and we [can't make out what] all the time. She is very sweet, none of what they say is true. She's so shy is hard to believe. I was with her for an hour because at 1710 I was out already, but it seemed a century. I want more centuries. I love you princess, there is no bigger satisfaction to know that you know I exist and that you escorted me to the door.
For those who want to know, No I didn't met her at the airport. It was a something between her and I, and I do not want to say more. But I want to clarify something: I do not pretend to enjoy one, I just wanted to share my experience, if it bothers you is not my fault. Kristen Jaymes Stewart I love you, thank you for the best day of my life.
Translation: kstewrobfans
via robwardandkrisella2
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