American Idol Contestant Clay Aiken Involved in Airport Disturbance?

What is the world coming to? When 2003 American Idol runner-up and all-around-nice-guy Clay Aiken is involved in a reported airport disturbance, we've gotta wonder if it's a full moon. While on his way to the Tulsa International Airport via Continental Airlines this weekend, he got into it with a fellow passenger when he put his foot on her armrest. She shoved it off, and so it goes.

FBI Special Agent Gary Johnson confirmed that there was a dispute between a male passenger and a woman on the flight but refused to name Aiken as the male involved. He went on to say that there was a claim that the woman gave the male passenger a "minor shove" during the argument.

"At that point the flight crew was able to resolve the situation," Johnson said.

Passengers were held until the FBI arrived to conduct interviews. Aiken joked about being beaten up by an airline passenger at a concert following the event.

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