Uh-Oh for Ty Pennington

If this had to happen, at least no one was hurt. Given celebrities and them thinking that they are above the law, I appreciate Ty's statement of honesty. Nonetheless, he done wrong, and knows it.

Ty Pennington, the affable host of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, was arrested at 12:35 am on Saturday by a West Los Angeles traffic officer for allegedly driving drunk. He was booked at the county jail on a misdemeanor and released at 2:50 a.m. on $5,000 bail. A court date has been set for June 4.

"I made an error in judgment," Pennington said in a statement. "We all make mistakes; however, this is about accountability. Under no circumstances should anyone consume alcohol while driving. I could have jeopardized the lives of others and I am grateful there was no accident or harm done to anyone. This was my wake-up call. I also want to apologize to my fans, ABC Television and my design team for my lapse in judgment and the embarrassment I have caused."

Finally, a celebrity showing a little remorse and humbling for their actions.

Photo from People.


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