Macy’s Fan Report & Exclusive Picture of Kellan!

One of my good friends, Tina, was lucky enough to meet Kellan at Macy’s. She wrote down her own little ‘review’ and got something VERY special for Kellan Lutz Online. A picture just for us. Thank you sooooooo much Tina. I will never be able to thank you enough. You are amazing. And thank you so much Kellan, this means so much to me.

I arrived to the Macy’s location at around 1:30 and was completely freaked out, due to the fact that my friend had texted me a half an hour prior letting me know that Macy’s was only letting in the first 500 people to see Kellan Lutz. I rushed to the location as quickly as I could, and thanks to my friend (God bless her heart), she was able to get me a ticket for the photo op with Kellan. Since she was able to score 2 tickets, I wondered if it was possible to score an extra ticket for myself so that I can have a photo op with Kellan by himself and dedicate it to the fans of Kellan Lutz Online…especially the girls in which I am closest to, such as Nadine, Kim, and Katie.

I thought of possibly writing out their names on a piece of paper and have him hold it, but quickly thought against especially since I was unsure if they were even going to let me take the second photo op pic. My friend and I quickly rushed to the line outside of the store and waited until were were called in…Around 2-2:05…we were let into the building and forced to wait on another long line…As I waited on the inside line, I quickly heard girls screaming (and me being the nosy person I am) proceeded to check it out…I saw Kellan pretend to take his shirt off and flash his abs…needless to say…they were mighty fine abs! He then decided to jump up in the air and inch his shirt up unto his chest and give the girls in the back of the line (and the ones inching up to take closer pics) a show…

As we inched closer to the front of the line, my heart was palpitating and I started to get nervous…I looked toward my friend and she confirmed that she too was nervous and was trying to keep her mind off it. I thanked the lord that they were playing amazing dance music, because in order to keep my mind off of the nervous beating of my heart, I decided to dance it off and prayed it would shake my nerves off. Soon it was my turn to take the picture and I was greeted by the greatest hug in the world. As I tightened my hug, he tightened his back, and I gotta say my heart fluttered. We took our picture in which we were both smiles and I decided to make my move and go in for the kill….I had to ask him for another picture…a different one…

Rules of the Macy’s/Calvin Klein photo ops were such:
If you had an extra ticket, you were only allowed an extra copy of the original picture you took with Kellan…
Yea, I wasn’t having any of that…
I wanted my picture to be different because I love all my Kellan Lutz girls and I wanted to do something special for them…so I asked him

“Would it be possible to take an additional picture for Nadine from Kellan Lutz Online?”
His face lit up and recognition was present in his eyes…
He said, “Sure, no problem? Did you want to be in it? Or…”
“No, you can be in it by yourself,” I declared.
I stepped off the platform so that he can do his/my photo op and thought for a second on what pose to do…
and then…he did THE CUTEST THING EVER!…
He formed a heart with his hands and held it out in front of him and looked as if he had the innocence of a child…
My heart melted…it was the sweetest thing he could do
He didn’t have to take an extra picture, nor did he have to do an extra adorable pose!
I definitely felt special at the moment!

After viewing that photo op, I entered the photo area, in which we retrieve our photo op pictures. There was confusion and some nasty attitudes thrown towards me, in regards of getting my photos…but I prevailed and fought for them…
No one was going to take them away!

And so, I left Macy’s with both photos secured and a Kellan Lutz/Calvin Klein ad signed “I <3 you xoxo Kellan Lutz”
Needless to say, I felt accomplished!!! I have tried so many times to meet him and I finally lived my dream. This officially had to be my Top 5 favorite days ever! Thank you Kellan for being the most down to earth, and sweetest guy ever imaginable.


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