(Scan) Rob and Kristen in Cinema Complex Monthly Magazine - December Issue (Japan)


English translation:

Cineema Complex Monthly Magazine, 109 Cinemaz Version “Cinecom” December Issue.

This article is one of a few source that tells us about shooting Breaking Dawn in Japan. It is a bit disappointing that the Magazine publisher is a part of the Movie distribution company that brings Twilight series to Japan and yet the article is more of a gossip news. We would prefer more valuable article.

MOVIE TOPICS: On and Off The Screen Couple Robstin Is Still Hot On The Set

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are the one of the top young actors in Holly wood since they had been casted in the first Twilight movie series. They had just started to shoot the third installment of the saga, they seems really happily in love on and off the screen. This is the kiss scene between Rob in Edward and Kristen in Bella on the set. Of course there were several cameras rolling, they seems so natural to each other, it didn’t look like they were acting. After the shoot, they were spotted hand in hand leaving the set. After they admit that they are a couple in February this year, neither of them commented about their relationship; there is a rumor that they are planning a voo doo marriage ceremony in December. We can’t keep our eyes off of their relationships on and off the screen.

This magazine is distributed by a KADOKAWA, distribution company that brings Twilight movies to Japan. The magazine is hand passed only by buying a ticket at the selected movie theatre.

scan and translation: clara-blog.japan


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