Facebook's Top Status Trends of 2010

As with last year's list, big movies were much talked about. "Toy Story 3," "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," "Inception," "Alice in Wonderland" and "Iron Man 2" were the five most discussed (in that order).

It's fascinating to look in more depth at the opening weekend of "Toy Story 3." To do this, we divided updates between the web and mobile. As is typical, the movie opened on a Friday, but with midnight screenings in select U.S. locations. The showtime itself didn't elicit many posts, but we saw big spikes a couple of hours later, when the movie ended and movie-goers reported their opinions.  

Naturally, the people updating their status to report on the movie via their mobile phones were able to do so as soon as it ended, while the people reporting on their computers had to get home first. The difference in the spikes between mobile and web gives us an approximation of how long it takes people to get out of the theater, go home and fire up Facebook—about half an hour.

Check more of the list at facebook


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