Kristen Stewart Mention: #OTR Screenwriter Jose Rivera and Gothic Rock Icon, Peter Murphy

Jose Rivera, 'On The Road' Scriptwriter talks about Kristen and her character, Marylou

"Kristen Stewart plays Marylou, and she's really the female lead of the film. She's the only woman that goes on the journey with the guys and is sassy and crazy in her own way. One of the great things that we had, before the film was shot, was Marylou's actual daughter, Anne Marie, was part of production. She and Kristen spent a lot of time together talking about her mom and stuff like that."


Peter Murphy Mentions Kristen


Peter Murphy, a famous English rock musician/goth icon He had a cameo in Eclipse as the 'Cold One'

Interviewer: I have to admit, I love those movies. I think they're very clever.
PM: I do too. I think that young actress [Kristen Stewart] is very good. She's lovely, too.

Tell me about your appearance in "Eclipse." How did that come to pass?
PM: It was very short. I was very pleased. David Slade, the director, was brought in to give it some kind of edge. I wasn't too worried either way [if I appeared in the movie]. I did want to appear in it. He said he would like me to play a short cameo role, which to him was like a secret wink to those who know who I am and what I've done, and a bookend to "The Hunger," if you like. I loved it. I thought it was a very nice idea. I was thrilled to go on to the set in the mountains in Vancouver. It was amazing to be an actor for three days. I did hair, and a wig, and make up, and stunt training. The day of the shoot, I was with the young kids who are the stars of "Twilight.'' It was like, "Wow. Look at this." They had to hide me because it's such a humungous enterprise. It was a joy to be on the set. It really enforced the fact that I do have an urge to act. Up until now I felt that was a little pretentious of me, but I do feel that I can act. Talking to David and other people on the set, they encouraged me. I'm going to hopefully look in to other opportunities to act proper. The "Twilight" thing was very short, brief moment. I enjoyed the whole process.


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