Cover Girl: Felicity Huffman on Redbook Magazine

Desperate Housewives actress Felicity Huffman is gracing the cover of the March issue of Redbook magazine. Below is an excerpt from the interview that didn't make the magazine's cut. The beautiful actress is married to actor William H. Macy, mom to two young kids and now an author.

Last thing you do before going to bed at night?
Read. I have to be careful about starting a new book because if I love it, it's all I want to do. I'm like, "I know that you need to eat but I'm reading."

Favorite comfort meal?

Fave romantic movie?
Out of Africa or Shakespeare in Love.

Fave cocktail?
Life without Fear with a twist. Bill made it up. It's lemonade, vodka, and mint and lime from our garden. It's the best thing ever. I just had it at my birthday party, and everyone got so drunk.

Biggest fear?

Childhood celebrity crush?
The guy who played Romeo in Zeffirelli's Romeo & Juliet. I don't remember his name, but he was blond and really cute.
[His name is Leonard Whiting.]


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