Newsstand Friday: OK! Magazine

Forget the splitsville rumors! She and Brad are happier than ever!
The breakup rumors haunting Angelina and Brad are just plain faux, OK! reveals. The power couple recently spent some quality time together at France’s Chateau Val Joanis winery, rekindling their love. Brad and Angie have even decided to purchase an estate in France and make it their primary residence. “They’ve looked at several properties already and are optimistic they’ll soon find the perfect place,” a source tells OK!. Angie may be drawn to France because it was the native country of her late mother, Marcheline Bertrand. As for Brad, who wants to see their children have the continuity of living in one place, a home in France may be the perfect compromise.

Why she may lose her sons to her ex
Only two days after her divorce was final, Britney Spears was back on the party scene. So it’s no wonder that her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, is heading to court to seek full custody of their sons, Sean Preston, 1, and Jayden James, 11 months. Kevin has made a 180 turnaround, from deadbeat dad to a sincere hands-on father. Kevin has reeled back his own partying ways and prefers to spend his shared custody time out of the spotlight, doting on his boys. Although Kevin still cares for Britney, he believes Britney’s increasingly bizarre behavior is putting his children’s welfare at stake, and he’s willing endure a bitter and drawn-out custody battle to make sure they are safe.

Is the troubled star pregnant?
Dwindling movie ticket sales and re-entering rehab for the third time may not be Lindsay’s biggest dilemma. Friends’ of the troubled star believe she may be pregnant. It wouldn’t be the 21-year-old star’s first pregnancy scare. In January 2006, photos revealed a Lohan family friend toting a plastic bag containing a visible pregnancy test into a Miami hospital where Lindsay was being treated (though the Lohans denied that the kit was specifically for her). Lindsay’s friends have promised to rally around her as she struggles through this difficult period.

The pregnant View co-host dishes on her new colleague.
OK! caught up with a glowing Elisabeth Hasselbeck at Super Saturday, a designer garage charity sale in the Hamptons, to get her real feelings on her new co-host, Whoopi Goldberg. “This is the best thing ever,” Elisabeth revealed. “Whoopi comes from a place of incredible wisdom… we’re going to have incredible conversations come September.” Elisabeth’s expecting another big arrival with the birth of her second child this fall. While she doesn’t want to know if she’s having a boy or girl until delivery, Elisabeth is revealing the sweet treat she’s constantly craving with her second pregnancy.


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