Matt Leinart's Baby Mama Speaks Out

NFL Quarterback Matt Leinart has been yapping lately about how great it is being a new dad and all, but the mother of his 9-month-old son begs to differ.

Brynn Cameron, a USC women's basketball player, and former girlfriend of Matt, has been pretty much raising their son, Cole, on her own. In a recent interview with Ventura County Star, she said, "It's kind of hard for me as the mom — I'm with Cole probably 99.9 percent of the time — to open a magazine or read a newspaper article with Matt saying, Oh, I love being a dad. I love changing diapers. I love doing this. I'm like, Wait, what?' I don't know how to word how he is about this, but it's been hard when I'm doing all the work, but he gets all the credit for it."

She said that Matt "comes and goes whenever he wants. I don't want to sit here and bad-mouth his lifestyle, but it is hard because we are different people. He likes that Hollywood stuff and I don't like that and raising a kid together, you have to work together as parents, but we're so different. It's hard, but I have to raise Cole to be a strong, secure kid so he knows what's right and wrong, what's good and bad and what really matters in life, which isn't what's going on in Hollywood or who's dating who. That's not what it's all about, and I think he'll know that being raised by me."

Seems like he's following in the footsteps of Eddie Murphy. But, well, at least Matt accepted the fact that he's a dad.

Photo from Ventura County Star.


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