Q&A with The Bahelor

Madison will be along here soon with her wrap-up on last night's finale episode of The Bachelor: Officer and a Gentleman. Although I haven't seen the episode yet, I heard who won, and all I gotta say is, "I called it." So there.

In the recent issue of TV Guide, Andy Baldwin sat down for a few quick questions before he gave out the final rose ... and the ring.

Were you skeptical of how some other Bachelor relationships ended?
I'm not a prince and I'm not a Firestone heir. You know, [the show] has been successful [too]. Trista and Ryan are having a baby and Byron and Mary are getting married. I thought if you went in with the right attitude, anything is possible.

Can you confirm if you're engaged? I am.

Have you set a date? No, not yet.

Were you pressured at all to propose?
As things got deeper emotionally, I felt the potential for bigger and better things. To make a commitment and to propose was the right thing to do.

You've been separated from the woman you love since the end of filming...
We do talk a lot. It's been important for us to be able to lean on each other during this time [since the taping ended]. Especially her, because she hasn't been able to voice her joy and affection. We [don't] talk too much about the show. We talk about our future.

And have you talked about her becoming a military spouse?
The strength and the courage and the understanding that it takes to be a military spouse is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. She very much understands the sacrifice that goes into being a military spouse and that was a question I asked [of almost] all the women, especially coming down to the end: Were they prepared to move to Hawaii and be married to a military officers [who] could be deployed at any time?

Photo from TV Guide.


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