Newsstand Friday: Entertainment Weekly Magazine

Summer Movie Preview: What's ahead for ''Spidey''?The planet's favorite crime-stopper returns in ''Spider-Man 3,'' the series' biggest installment yet. But with noncommittal answers from Raimi, Maguire, and Dunst about the future, who'll be back for part 4?

Celebrity news for the week of April 27, 2007 -- Brief updates on births, divorces, court dates, and more

Ask the Movie Critic
What musical would you like to see on the big screen? Check out this week's Ask the Critic question, then post your own

Book Commentary
Tools writers can’t live without -- Jonathan Franzen and others talk about their creative process in ''How I Write: The Secret Lives of Authors''

Book News

Remembering Kurt Vonnegut
We reflect on the life of a great American author


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