Gossip Cop: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart didn’t “fight” on set

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart fight on ‘Twilight’ set,” screams aNew York Post headline perfectly timed to run today on Pattinson’s 24th birthday – and the day of his, Stewart’s and Taylor Lautner’s eagerly anticipated Oprah interview.

According to the report, Pattinson and Stewart “had a huge fight on the setof their hit movie [“Eclipse”] as she accused him of hanging out late at a racy London burlesque bar.”

The stars were recently back on the set, doing pick-up shots in Vancouver inadvance of the film’s June 30 release.

The paper’s “source” claims, “When Robert arrived, he and Kristen started fighting. She accused him of taking a later flight from London because he had been hanging out too late at a burlesque bar… He didn’t take it well. They were both so angry, the crew had to take a break for an hour for things to simmer down.”

Wow, what a juicy story – except it’s totally not true.

There was no fight between Pattinson and Stewart over him being “late.”

In fact, a source close to Pattinson tells Gossip Cop, “He arrived, as planned, two nights before his previously scheduled one day of shooting on Friday April 30.”

Pattinson was even photographed unshaven (because he wasn’t due on set until April 30) around Vancouver for a couple of days — a far cry from getting off a plane from a night out at a London burlesque bar, and then heading straight to the set to greet an “angry” Stewart.

And, Stewart had seen Pattinson for TWO days before he was needed on the set.

The only thing “late” here is this two-week old wrong rumor.

Maybe the media should leave the drama to the “Twilight” films themselves, and not create any for its stars.

Source via Spunk Ransom


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