Cover Girl: Sarah Jessica Parker on Glamour Magazine

Former Sex and the City star and perfume pitchwoman Sarah Jessica Parker graces the June issue of Glamour magazine. Here are a few choice quotes from the piece:

"Madonna's line for H&M is extremely directional, provocative and sexy. I don't know J. Lo's line as well, but I know that it's much more trendy than Bitten. L.A.M.B. by Gwen Stefani is much more avant-garde, definitely high fashion. But I don't want to do that for women, because that's not really their lives."

And growing up with hand-me-downs inspired her new affordable clothing line ... "It's a very different philosophy of shopping. It's the first and only time I've wanted to design. [Her childhood] informed my decision completely. It's a way of giving women without financial means access to good, simple, well-made clothes to feel proud of."

"I often return things because the spending gives me anxiety. But I'm not without my indulgences. And I don't pretend I'm not enjoying the great fortune I've had."

Sarah Jessica's new clothing line, Bitten, hits stores on June 7.


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