Then Friedman just piles it on:
She was never a great singer in the first place, depending on backup vocalists like Ashanti to carry her through thin times. And Lopez’s last English album, “Get Right,” was a sales disaster.
But her movie career is also in need of resuscitation, if possible. Lopez is currently sitting on two unreleased duds: "Bordertown," co-starring Antonio Banderas and directed by Gregory Nava, and “El Cantante,” which co-stars husband Marc Anthony as Hector Lavoe.
Picturehouse is holding that one for Aug. 1, but the reviews have been mixed. And no one seems to know why the movie has a Spanish title since it’s all in English, a source tells me. If it’s to capitalize on the album, maybe some rethinking is needed in the marketing department.
As for “Bordertown,” it’s yet to find a distributor. Early reviews were not enthusiastic.
Lopez seems to have drifted since her marriage to Anthony two years ago. More recently I reported in this column that the couple had seriously embraced Scientology and a friendship with Tom Cruise in order to get some buzz going. It doesn’t look like it’s helped.
Ouch. Tell us what you really thing. Personally, J Lo just seems irrelevant to me these days. She's got nothing new or interesting to share, especially since Brit Brit is turning into the new comeback kid. Only time will tell.
[Photo from Fox News]
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