ECLIPSE Read-Along Chapter 1

So I was thinking about doing a Eclipse read along. One chapter a week with a chance to discuss it here on the blog.

It's 24 chapters in the book and I think it's 27 weeks to Eclipse premiere so it will be great!

So we're getting a head start now with Preface & Chapter 1 which officially starts January week 2.

I will add questions/topics for each chapter to discuss, but feel free to talk about the chapters in any way you like. Questions will be up before official start on monday.

"Fire and Ice"

"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some Say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Robert Frost

1. What do you think about Bellas aversion to the word fiancée?

2. How do you think chapter 1 will be portrayed in the movie if in it?

3. What are your first thoughts after reading chapter 1?

4. Is Edward to concerned about Bellas Safety?

Maybe some questions to discuss, but feel free to talk about anything regarding chapter 1 or to com with your own input =)

SV: Så jag tänkte göra en Eclipse läsning tillsammans med er. Ett kapitel i veckan med en chans att diskutera det här på bloggen.
Det är 24 kapitel i boken och jag tror att det är 27 veckor till Eclipse premiären så det kommer bli bra!

Vi tjuvstartar nu med Inledningen och kapitel 1 som officiellt startar i januari vecka 2.

Jag kommer att lägga till frågor / ämnen för varje kapitel för att diskutera, men känn dig fri att diskutera om de kapitel vi läser på vilket sätt du vill. Frågorna kommer att vara upp innan den officiella starten på måndag.


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