The College Voice: What the Zuck, Mark? - Mentions Rob

Editor’s note: Neither Sarah Shankel nor Melanie Thibeault has ever met Mark Zuckerberg. This is a satirical interview and is not meant to be taken literally.
I’m willing to bet anyone who is reading this (and who has a Facebook account) has signed on to Facebook one day, expecting to see the usual format and maybe a few new notifications, only to discover that Mark Zuckerberg, once again bored with his own life, has updated everything. Facebook seems to be receiving facial reconstruction, but instead of actually making anything better, it seems to be aggravating its users and making them uncomfortable.
Recently, Facebook has been adopting many changes to its format, causing confusion and uproar among users as they sign on and see the adjustments for the first time. Curious and slightly annoyed, I wanted to get into the mind of its ingenious, albeit strange, creator, so I sat down with Zuckerberg at his office in Palo Alto, California to discuss the recent changes to the website, his take on the release of The Social Network and his plans for the future (Is he plotting to take over the world? Or at least the Internet?) In between games of speed chess with his co-workers, Zuckerberg answered a few of my questions and tried to parry the rest.
How do you feel about The Social Network?
You know, I think it was a pretty accurate portrayal, except I wish they had chosen someone more attractive to play me. I was thinking Robert Pattinson. I feel as though I give off that sexy, pasty, disheveled British vibe. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a huge Twilight fan. Huge. In fact, I think I’ll add Stephenie Meyer to my “People Who Inspire You” page.
You can read the rest of the interview at the source


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